May 25, 2010

The Great Reorganization is underway!

Why?  Why do I do this?

I'm sure I'm not alone, but why do I wait until the situation is so dire that it takes me days, possibly even a WEEK, to fix?

Okay, so it's not life-or-death, but it's annoying all the same; I'm talking about cleaning my craft room (or art studio, whatever you'd like to call it).  The Great Reorganization (you know something's severe when you capitalize it) began in earnest yesterday.  I spent nearly the entire day just cleaning off the tops of my two workspaces!  I found detritus from projects I had finished TWO years ago! 

You have to admit, that's bad.  I thought I'd come clean (pun intended) to you all so that maybe you can keep me in line.  I've written about my cleaning skills (or lack thereof) before, but this takes the cake.  The dust bunnies had multiplied, formed colonies, and taken up residence behind doors, under tables, and around lamps so thoroughly that I went through two Swiffer cloths to try and round them up.  EGADS!   I mean, clutter is one thing but I don't like a dirty house, and that's what had happened.

Now that I'm a full-time artist and learning all there is to learn about what that entails, there is one tenet that I hear over and over - that if I don't take myself seriously as an artist, no one else will either.  This makes sense.  I would NEVER have allowed my workspace at my 9-5 jobs to look like this!  As a matter of fact, my desks were always spotless at my jobs.  I always felt like I would forget something if it were buried beneath piles on my desk, so I rarely had any.  I also wanted to portray myself as a hard worker who values her position in the company.  So why am I not following that rule with this job?  It should be even MORE important to me to have my space neat and tidy, since I'm working with paint and glue.  My clients are very, very important to me and if they were to have seen my space before TGR how would they have felt about my work ethic, whether or not the sentiment would've been unwarranted?

I would LOVE to say that my space will stay the way it looks in the "after" photo.  I can't make any promises.  But I am going to try my best to keep it as clean as I can.  Wish me luck!  :D

Oh, and for those who are looking for the "word"?  It's "disaster".  :D


  1. Really, a disaster can also be an opportunity! Thank you for this one!

  2. Oops....disaster. But,'s not bad. Mine is WAY worse! LOL...

  3. you have only a minor mess there--I got you beat-but it doesn't make me proud-just envious that you got your mess cleaned up.

  4. Ah, Mel - it's not a disaster if it takes you less than a week to clean without professional help :D

  5. Mel, Mel, Mel........ you don't know what a mess is. I'd never let you see my room. I just said to my husband that I should take a week off and clean my room. He didn't think I could finish in a week. It should would feel good to have a clean room.

  6. My place gets pretty trashed, so I always clean up real good between projects, and still in the winter I did a major purge that took a week to complete and filled about three garbage bags.

  7. Yep, mine is way worse too! And I just cleared it out last week!

  8. Hooray! I'm glad I'm not alone. :D Okay, so it's been a week today, and I'm happy to report that it's still really clean, and I even had my sis and nieces over this weekend! :D I am trying really hard to keep it so that I have an uncluttered desktop.

  9. just caught up with this post, and I have to say, if yours needed The Great Reorganization, then there's no help for me at all... I have been working downstairs in the living room, on the kitchen table, and on the countertop for at least a month now, mostly because I can't get to the desk-top surfaces in my craft room. I think my organizing efforts should probably be called "Operation Topkill" or something similar-- does that give you an idea of just how dire the situation is??!? (hopefully mine will go a little better, though... whenever I get around to it.)

  10. Yeah!! You made the plunge! Congratulations!
